Can I convert USDT to Ethereum on trust wallet?
I have some USDT in my Trust Wallet and I'm wondering if it's possible to convert these USDT to Ethereum within the wallet itself.
How to swap ETH to USDT on trust wallet?
I want to know the process of converting my Ethereum (ETH) to Tether (USDT) using Trust Wallet. I need step-by-step instructions on how to make this swap within the Trust Wallet platform.
Why is my trust wallet showing an unknown error occurred?
I'm encountering an issue with my Trust Wallet. Whenever I try to access it, an error message pops up saying 'an unknown error occurred'. I'm not sure what's causing this and would like to know how to fix it.
Why is my transaction failing on Trust wallet?
I'm trying to make a transaction on Trust wallet, but it's not going through. I don't understand why it's failing. Can someone help me figure out the reason behind this issue?
How to swap BTC for ETH in Trust wallet?
I want to know the process of exchanging Bitcoin for Ethereum in my Trust wallet. I'm looking for step-by-step instructions on how to perform this swap within the Trust wallet app.